Monday, August 8, 2011

In the last year...

Yeah, yeah, I know...I haven't blogged in a LONG time! Partially because we have been so busy, plus our computer wasn't working for awhile, and to be quite honest...I forget!
Anyway here is a years worth of catch up, the condensed version of course. And I will try to be better about keeping up in the future.

The last year has been so much fun and full of "firsts". Kirstianna started (and finished) her first year of preschool. She went to Topa Topa Smart start and loved it! She met lots of great friends, loves her wonderful teachers and made lots of great memories! I am so proud of all she has learned and the big girl she is becoming. School starts again for her in just a few weeks! :)

Kaeden and I got to take a trip with just the 2 of us to Tennessee. We visited with family and friends. He loved the airport and watching all the cars drive around "the races".
And as much as he missed his sister, I think he loved having Mommy all to himself for a bit.

Christmas and Easter were full of food, fun and always! The kids are really getting so big!

We also took the kids to the snow! They loved it! Kirstianna's favorite part was throwing snowballs, and Kaeden liked to watch Sissy hit Daddy with snowballs! We made it out alive from the 8 week birthday celebration! Kaeden had a Toy Story 3 party and Kirstianna chose Tangled. His favorite gift was probably his motorcycle from Auntie and Unc, and hers was a new doll!

Kirstianna got to take cupcakes to school and her teachers made her a birthday crown!

It is so cute to watch the kids play together.
They are really starting to enjoy having someone else around (for the most part).
Can't wait to see what the rest of this year has in store for us!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day Daddy!
Thank you for all that you do for us...we love you so much and are so thankful for you!
We love how hard you work to provide for us, and how you are always ready to play and snuggle after a long day at work. We love spending time with you and doing special things together. Thank you for the bike rides, trips to the park, fun camping, and M&M's!
Thank you for making your family a priority and for always making the time to spend with us. Thank you for not letting a day go by without making sure your kids feel loved and special. Thank you for being you!
We love you lots!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Such a big boy!

So after about a month of taking 2-3 steps and freaking out once he realized that he was's official. Kaeden is walking, there is no stopping this boy now! He still crawls, but he is becoming quite fond of walking from room to room. Sissy thinks it is awesome...and cheers him on loudly whether he takes 1 step or 20.
My baby is pretty much gone...and is replaced with a strong-willed toddler. One who is so sweet and cuddly, but let's you know when he isn't happy! Doesn't help that he is taking lessons from Miss Sass herself!

From the mouth of a 3 year old.

The other day we were talking about our new dog Bailey. Here is Kirstianna's thought on dogs!
K: Mommy I don't like dogs.
Me: Why not, Bailey is nice.
K: Dogs are gross. Bailey is nasty. Bailey is like dealing with poop!

Friday, June 4, 2010


We are pretty much back to normal life after the crazy month of May...still busy but not insane! The past few weeks we have spent a weekend home alone while Daddy went backpacking, celebrated Memorial Day with a parade and BBQ, fed the ducks and played at the lake, watched Kirstianna perform with her Awana Cubbies group (sooo cute!), and caught up with some old friends we hadn't seen in awhile!
Some of the things my daughter has said lately.....

Me: Were you playing with the toilet brush?
K: I don't know, are you going to flick my hand?
Me: Answer my question Kirstianna.
K: But I asked you a question to Mommy!

K to Daddy: Do you want Spiderman panties...I know you love Spiderman!

K to Me: Let's just not tell Daddy about this ok.

She is quite the firecracker! Keeps me on my toes and causes me to REALLY watch what I say! :)

Monday, May 17, 2010

So this is what 3 years old is like?

Kirstianna woke up this morning. First thing out of her mouth... "Mommy, am I still 3?"

She later asked if Joe Bubba can come play with this (as she point to her new ZhuZhu pet).
I say, "Yes he can play with your ZhuZhu pets."
Her response, "No, it's ZhuZhu PET...there is only one!"
Oh brother!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Kirstianna's Princess Party!

Well, apparently 3rd birthdays are a big deal...because this girl had a birthday weekend! Friday before the party she played at the park with Caleb and Jack and got to go to the candy store AND the toy store. Then went home, had lunch and played with Penny!

After a much needed nap...friends came over to Doe and Papa's to start the celebrating!

Princess Tianna cake thanks to Mimi!!

A good friend ALWAYS sticks by you! Penny and Kirstianna try not to peek at her surprise from Daddy and Mommy!

And she LOVES her princess bike. Saturday (actual b-day) started off right with Doe picking us up to go shopping...with a little stop for a donut first! Then Kirstianna went to Target (her favorite store), picked out some new shoes, ate lunch, rode the Choo-Choo train, ate a cookie, took a nap, rode her bike and ate at McDonald's for dinner! What a weekend...both my kids passed out quickly tonight!